




Burggasse 24/4, 1070 Vienna
02-04.06. 14:00-18:00
Steven Cottingham: Human Resources

Human Resources is an exhibition considering surveillance in relation to human rights, using computer rendering and animal camouflage to situate predatory vision within an increasingly datafied world. As advanced extraction algorithms require less and less realtime oversight, the data they gather is not necessarily used for observation but to fuel predictive simulations—resulting in a conflation of actual and virtual conditions. At the center of this exhibition is a feature-length machinima film set in a futuristic prison under total and constant surveillance, where prisoners develop new forms of crypsis to elude the omnipresent gaze of their AI surveiller.

ENTRE is an independently-run project space in Vienna, dedicated to fostering social and political understanding through artistic and discursive events. ENTRE’s programming is based on rotating exhibitions with accompanying lectures, performances and workshops, experimenting with relevant forms of production between communities in Austria and other hubs of artistic activity. By way of its programming and collaborations, ENTRE focuses on independently organized and international exchange, providing small-scale forums for a variety of perspectives on contemporary art, artistic research and critical dialogue.