




Stolzenthalergasse 6/1A, 1080 Vienna
02-04.06. 14:00-18:00
Annemarie Arzberger: Echo der Grotte

Annemarie Arzberger’s works can be summarised under the term individual mythology. To create her own worlds, she uses the technique of collage, involves watercolour painting, masks, costumes, figures and performance. She deals with the cult of the three goddesses and the female representation of death in different cultures and epochs.

Friday, 02.06. 16:00

Die Ausstellung Echo der Grotte wandelt sich für den Moment in einen Performance-Salon. Ein kleines performatives Potpourri mit befreundeten Künstler*innen, die sich der Stimmung der Ausstellung widmen.

puuul is a versatile art space - workshop, autonomous exhibition space and studio in one. The focus of the exhibition activity is on solo exhibitions, which create opportunities to comprehensively engage with the work of an artist. But there is room for many things in the puuul, and it is important for us to be open to ideas, projects and fantasies.